Fig.1 Tourix Gen-3
We’ll focus on the most queried questions we have from our site, “Can I charge my battery with Tourix-Gen3?”. Well, let’s be honest we cant answer that that easily, we might need more information from you to answer that, but just to give you a little info and help our fellow clean energy lovers, we will give you a little hint about the battery you are using (and if Tourix-Gen3) is the product you need!
The table below gives you different types of batteries and their Max charging voltage:
Fig2. Common max charging voltage for batteries
Every battery is designed to handle a certain amount of charge and voltage pressure while the charge is moving. The photo above shows us the usual relationship between the rated voltage of the battery and the maximum charging voltage it can handle before getting damaged. From this list, we can then cross-reference the accepted values of your batteries to a solar panel, or charge controller, and whatnot.
As you can see from the pic above, there are particular threshold for each battery or battery assembly. That means if you charge your “power-bottle”(I came up with that term) above the prescribed max charging voltage, you might want to change your batteries afterwards, or if your lucky, you’ll just damage them.
-Paul Custan is an Electrical Engineer who have worked as a software engineer and as a digital platform specialist before becoming a full-time FNX Solar employee. FNX Solar Power Solutions Inc. is a business based in Canada. We develop and sell portable power stations and related accessories.